Meet the Team

Our team

Sanjeev Kumar


Sanjeev Kumar

Sanjeev Kumar is a fourth year student at the University of Virginia, pursuing an American Studies degree through the Distinguished Major Program, a commerce degree with a double concentration in management and infomational technology, and a minor in data science.

Kumar began the project during the second semester of his first year at UVA where he noticed that there was gap between the representation of those recognized in the university’s built environment and the representation of the current student body.


Abigail Schofield

Abigail Schofield is a fourth year student at the University of Virginia, pursuing a History degree through the Distinguished Major Program and a minor in politics. Schofield is also pursuing an accelerated Masters candidate in the European Studies program at UVA.

Schofield, along with Sanjeev Kumar, founded She Writes History, a contracted independent organization that supports initiatives that promote diversity, equitability, and inclusivity for women, but also other historically marginalized communities, at UVA and in the greater Charlottesville community.